Better Health 4 Middleton

Address Information

  • Lineva House, 28 - 32, Milner Street, Warrington

Telephone Numbers

Web Addresses


Your online mental wellbeing community

Our community is here to support you through anything BIG or small.

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Free, safe and anonymous support

Watch our Kooth video

Helpline for children & young adultd 11 to 25

  • 11-16 (Secondary School)
  • 16-18 (Transitions into Adulthood)
  • 18-25 (Young Adults)

General Services Available

  • Monday to Friday 12noon to 10pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 6pm to 10pm

More information is commissioned by the NHS, Local Authorities, charities and businesses to provide anonymous and personalised mental health support for Children and Young People. With over 4000 logins per day, we provide end to end support whatever the need.

for Adults is commissioned by NHS, Local Authorities and Charities to improve the mental health of entire populations of specific cohorts. Adults accessing Qwell can do so without the waiting lists or thresholds often associated with traditional services. They can join online peer support communities, access self-help materials or engage in drop-in or booked one-to-one online chat sessions with our experienced counsellors.

Qwell works in partnership with traditional community health providers and provides links and pathways to traditional and specialist face-to-face services.